
Friday, May 11, 2012


Friday, May 11, 2012
My latest obsession, well actually, it's been an obsession for quite awhile now...BOOK CLUTCHES! I'm so in love with them, they're absolutely brilliant and super cute. I'm dying to have one, living in the Caribbean sucks at times like these, especially when you can't source the things you want online. The other problem being, the price >.< Low and behold, they're all quite expensive. The first set of clutches I discovered were the Kate Spade ones, seeing as I'm a fan of the brand already, it wasn't hard for me to fall in love the moment I saw the cover of "Pride and Prejudice" on a clutch. I literally became obsessed after that, hence, research (lol), which is when I came across the amazing, Olympia Le Tan book clutches *_* << starstruck. The one I love the most has to be the Pride and Prejudice clutch by Kate Spade, however, Olympia Le Tan, literally has an entire collection of just about every amazing book known to man kind. (Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating) But, she really does have an amazing collection.

Check these out...*covet covet* All the pretteh!

xoxo, Shallowbeauty.

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