So back to the #CheersVoxBox I was sent:
- Suave Professionals Coconut Oil Infusion Damage Repair Shampoo
- Suave Professionals Coconut Oil Infusion Damage Repair Conditioner
- Dr Teal's Pure Epsom Salt Soaking Solution (Soothe & Sleep with Lavender)
- Way Better Snacks Sweet Chili Corn Tortilla Chips
- Coupon for any one Hormel Taco Meat (comes in a variety of beef, pork, or chicken)
- Yaye App (a health and fitness app)
- 25% off coupon for
Let's start firstly with a review of the Suave Professionals Shampoo & Conditioner. I have been a big fan of Suave's new line of products for a couple years now. The Moroccan infusion being the one I usually go for as I have dry, thin, hair, sometimes damaged from heat exposure (and living in a tropical climate, sometimes being out in the sun alone for too long fries my hair). I've noticed considerable change in my hair since I've started using Suave products on the whole and this one was no exception.
I was super excited to try these products in particular because I'm a firm believer in the wonders of coconut oil (s/o to my Asian roots for that, I'm of East Indian ethnicity btw living in the Caribbean, just for reference). Ever since childhood I've known about the wonders of coconut oil, even witnessing the process of making it by my aunts and grandmother. Coconut oil has great skin and hair benefits and I try to do a homemade hot oil treatment at least twice a month on my hair. It works wonders especially whenever my hair feels extremely dry and brittle.
I tried out this product and was not disappointed. My hair felt soft and airy and I left it to air dry instead of using a blow dryer, the results were quite noticeable. Instead of drying into a frizzy mess or just a flat dry one, my hair dried into luscious, bouncy, slightly wavy hair. I'm sure with a couple more uses I'll see even better results. Also, did I mention the heavenly scent of mild coconutty goodness? Bonus.
10 points to Suave for these products, I'd definitely recommend these for anyone with dry, damaged hair.
Onto the next one!
This is Dr Teal's Pure Epsom Salt Soaking Solution. I've never used Epsom salt before or any kind of bath salt because of my incredibly sensitive skin but I decided to give this one a try out in albeit a more safe way. Foot soak! I think every woman (or man if you're into that) knows the woes of partying into the wee hours of the morning wearing sky high heels. Yes, not my best decision, yet it always seems to happen. Now, I never take my shoes off in a party or club m, but that's just me, I see may barefooted patrons all over partying the night away. So I keep my shoes on all the way till I get home then I proceed to take them off and whine and moan about the pain, blisters, and soreness.
Death by shoeicide anyone? After a hard night and finally taking off my beautiful murderers, I decided to soak my feet in some warm water and this solution. The bliss...yes, I need to buy more of this stuff. After about a half hot of soaking the worst of the pain was gone and my feet were soft and infused with the scent of lavender. Doesn't get much better than that, bring it on overpriced aromatherapy spas *side eyes*
I'm greatly tempted to take a bath soaked in this but I'm still skeptical about any side effects on my skin so I'll keep it at foot soak for now. And what a fantastic foot soak it is.
Go get yourself some Dr Teal's to soothe those achy feet after dancing the night away! You can thank me after. You can purchase here or here.
Hello hello healthy yummies! I'm always in a constant battle with eating healthy and liking food that doesn't taste like grass, which is just as awful as it sounds. I pretty much scarfed this down whilst I was starving, waiting for dinner time so I'm almost sure you probably think it would taste good either way, wrong, I'm a very picky eater and even if I'm starving and something tastes bad, I won't eat it. These were surprisingly great, I'm not a big fan of sweet chili flavored snacks, that combination usually doesn't work for me but I love corn tortilla chips and the sweet chili flavour just enhanced this. So kudos to healthy snacks! Keep it up Way Better Snacks!
I love tacos just as much as the next person but this coupon is pretty muc invalid for me considering that I don't live in the United States of America. It can be redeemed at stores that actually sell Hormel's Taco Meat, nowhere in Trinidad does -_-"
I downloaded the app, have yet to use it though, will be editing this review when I do. It seems promising and has a lot of great reviews. It's a health and fitness app that allows you to connect with friends and family and work as a group to stay active.
Last but certainly not least is the 25% off coupon at I scoured through the website as soon as I saw the coupon but unfortunately nothing really reached out to me. I'm very picky with what I purchase for my wardrobe, even my gym wardrobe and I personally could not see myself wearing much of the clothes from peonyandme. There were undoubtedly some cute pieces but nothing I actually felt like spending that much money on, yes, they are quite pricey, and even with 25% off, it didn't much much of a difference especially for workout clothes. My tastes lean more toward sporting brands for my gym clothes (Nike, Adidas, Under Armour). So unfortunately I won't be making much use of this coupon :(
That's all for the reviews of the #CheersVoxBox thanks a million to Influenster for choosing me for this box!
(Disclaimer: All products were sent for reviewing purposes.)
Xoxo, Shantilly.