Happy New Year's Eve! Or as we say here in Trinidad, Happy Ole Year's Day! With the impending start of a new year, filled with the promise of new beginnings, I've decided to give my blog a makeover. I know I always say I'll try to write more but I never do, this time I'm really going to make the effort. This past semester at uni has FINALLY taught me the value of time management and so my aim is to work on improving this aspect of my life even more, which will ultimately help with making more time for blogging and writing and other extra-curricular activities (hopefully). Year 2 of University is proving to be quite a challenge and I really need to up my GPA, so a lot of my time has been spent focusing on my academics this semester, which I'm quite proud of.

2012 was a whirlwind experience for me. I've been through quite a lot and I'm still reeling from some events but I'm thankful nonetheless for another year (especially since it's the one which supposedly marked the 'end of the world'). I don't think I would have been able to make it through this year without my amazing friends, despite the fact that they're not plentiful in number, they sure make up for it in everything else. Some of the highlights of this year definitely have to be: Valentine's Day, My 19th Birthday, My trip to New York City (seeing the city lights from the top of the Empire State Building at night was magical), Going to see a live musical of Hairspray, Finally owning my own Kate Spade accessories,The Foreign Language Film Festival, and realizing who really matters right now. So I've now embraced both the good and the bad of this year and moving on to the next with my head held high and no time to look back.

I take 2013 as a sort of new beginning for me, to better myself in every aspect, really try to make the most out of life. I don't know why but somehow I feel like this year really has some sort of good fortune for me, even if I have to make it myself. I've been making resolutions for years, which have never materialized, so this year I'm not making any. I'm just going with the flow and utilizing my time more wisely to hopefully gain positive results. So this year, will hopefully be my year. The goal is, as always, happiness.
Cheers and here's to a Happy New Year 2013!